Tuesday, 22 December 2015

It takes hard work

It takes hard work, I can't even tell you how many hours I spent glancing over charts...because I stopped counting. And that's after 5 years of business, real estate, economics, and finance for my BSc, and another year for my MSc in Real Estate. I probably spend more hours on learning about forex than for my MSc. 

Like anything in life it takes effort, discipline, and dedication. 

The thing about forex is that there is a TON of wrong information on the web. People who believe they can walk into a library and buy a book about heart surgery and then successfully do such an operation are called CRAZY. Yet somehow there's this perception that by simply copying a system or reading some forex book you will somehow turn into a millionaire overnight. That's simply nuts!! 

To someone who's good at it, it might seem easy...but he/she had to put in a lot of effort. 99.99999% aren't born great traders. Read "Hedge Fund Market Wizards" and you'll realise that every single one of the "great traders" were massive failures when they started out. I mean, you have guys who did all the usual mistakes when they started out...overleveraging their trades blowing massive sums. Yet the one trait they all have in common is they NEVER GAVE UP. And that goes for pretty much everything in life. 

I loved that one story where one of those now-great fund managers started out by getting fired from one trading job over and over and over and over again. When the interviewer (Schwager) asked him if he ever thought about giving up the answer was "no". THAT'S what will make you successful. 

Start slowly, read the Babypips school, open a demo account, try different systems until you find one that works FOR YOU. Then back and forward test it for a few weeks/months on a demo account. Only once it's proven to be profitable for a few months take it live by starting a small real money account. Trade that for a few weeks/months to get used to the psychological stress...and not matter how calm you are, stress does play an important role. I lead negotiations for multi-million $ sales of upscale hotels and that almost never stresses me out, yet the first time a trade I was really sure of didn't work out it freaked me out 

Slowly build up that live account and as confidence grows (because of good results...and ONLY then), seed it with some money from your regular business. Don't dump it on there all at once, add a bit every month and only during months where you're profitable. Work up your bankroll. 

On a side note, don't buy into signal services or EAs...if you want to be a TRADER you have to fully understand WHY you are taking a trade...otherwise you're just a (blind) investor who isn't in control. 

Cliff notes: Yes, it's worth it...but as with everything in life, it takes hard work.

Read more: http://forums.babypips.com/forextown/4783-reality-making-money-trading-forex.html#ixzz3v2Xcjo00

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